A lot has happened over the last 6 months

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In some ways its hard to believe my last post was a little over 6 months ago but then I look back at what has happened in that time, and it is astounding.  A new business has been launched, the property aspirations have taken a back seat, I’ve jumped head first into business networking and my little boy, Arav is 17 months now and is walking and almost talking now!

Where to begin…

Lets start with the property aspirations.  My last post about this area being in trouble followed through – the other deals collapsed, apparently because of some solicitor who wasn’t doing his job properly.  In any case, this meant that not only did the deals collapse, but a lot of cash is now tied up and I’m going to have to fight to get it back.  This is work in progress as we speak.

I am a co-founder of the other business with Sudipt Shah.  Those of you that know us, will have definitely have heard a lot about it.  People have commented that it has the potential to be one of those ‘big’ ones.  The site is www.Memfy.com (pronounced ‘Mem-fee’) and is all about capturing your precious memories before you forget them, but more about Memfy later.

I finally joined a business networking group – after a few forays late last year following introductions by Sundesh & Rita – I jumped in.  Ironically I jumped in for 2 main reasons:

  1. To develop my sales skills in a relatively inexpensive manner.  Sales courses cost way more than an annual membership to 4networking.
  2. To talk to like-minded people and get that ‘out-time’ from a 1-man office.

4networking is great, and I’ve taken to it like a duck to water, attending many groups and very regularly.

As a by-product, I’ve also become an avid Twitter user.  I now use it far more than Facebook even which is quite a shift considering originally I didn’t see the point of Twitter.

Then there’s my young son (still feels weird saying ‘son’).  Arav is growing so far and is our little bundle of joy.  Just seeing his little face light up when I get back home in the evening is amazing, and never gets old.  Memfy is great for this as we’re recording all the little moments of joy he brings us.

Well, thats the last six months in a nutshell and I’m quite aware I haven’t mentioned Leading Route Cars once – thats in the next post.  Oh and in case you’re blind and hadn’t noticed, the blog is now in its own domain, no longer on Blogger.  So add www.leadingroute.com/blog to your favourites now.

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Anand is the managing co-founder of Memfy and acts as a commercial and digital strategy consultant to organisations in the UK. You can connect with him on Twitter under the handle, @AnandPajpani.