How I got into memories…

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Almost at the end of the first quarter of 2011, and this will be my first post of the year. Wow.

I figured its time I got back into blogging properly so I thought why not do that by explaining how Memfy came into existence.

So there we were, Sudipt and I in our Alperton office last February.  We were talking about something that had happened at University, but for the life of us, we couldn’t remember what.

We figured there had to be something out there that helped us remember stuff, where we could note things down and not just like in a notepad-style application, but something that was made for memories, something we could tag others in, comment on, etc.

Sudipt did some search but came up with nothing like what we were after.  So we thought, why not create it ourselves?  Not being ones to waste any time, we starting throwing ideas back and forth, and before we knew it we were both on domain registration sites trying to come up with a decent .com.

We struggled for quite some time, then settled on  We were so happy to have found a domain available, that I think we registered it….but soon the doubts surfaced and we went back to the drawing board.  We definitely wanted something with Memory or Mem in it, and it had to be punchy.  I shouted Memfy, Sud searched it, it was available so we registered it.

Memfy (pronounced mem-fee) .com was born.  We got in touch with some developers, one here and 2 off-shore to get some pricing.  Within the next week or so, with a half-baked budget in mind, we hired one to start developing Memfy.

Then in April 2010, having set up Memfy on Facebook & Twitter, we launched.

Check it out for yourselves at – for Life’s Memories.  What do you think about our idea?

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Anand is the managing co-founder of Memfy and acts as a commercial and digital strategy consultant to organisations in the UK. You can connect with him on Twitter under the handle, @AnandPajpani.