The cot becomes a bed

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Continuing to tick the places of our ‘places to visit’ list, Cruti and I recently went to Gibraltar.  I’ve always wanted to visit to see what consistently lovely weather in Britain would look like.

It was Arav’s first holiday with his own flight ticket and his own seat in the plane.  He was actually quite good in-flight, the only concern was during take-off and landing where it took him all of 10 seconds to figure out how to unbuckle his seat belt so we had to hold it so this couldn’t happen.

Gibraltar was a lovely little city.  It is only 40 minutes from one end to the other by car, a little longer if you go up the Rock.

At the hotel, Arav had his first stint of sleeping in his own bed as the cots there were too small.  He didn’t act like it was his first time in a proper bed though, seemed to rather enjoy sleeping without rails!  In the actual city, he loved running around the pedestrianised areas in his flip-flops, saying hello to random passers by as we went along.

The holiday was a great little break for us, it provided some good family time and away from the business for me (not fully you understand) and with more hubby support for Cruti.

Cruti did, however have an eye-issue (I’ll leave for her to explain) during which time I took Arav with me about time visiting travel agents and other hotels with the objective of setting up airport transfer relationships with them for visitors to London.  There was something quite surreal about walking into a travel agent with the aim of establishing a business relationship, with 2-year old son in my arms and dressed in a t-shirt and shorts.

Oh and there was the attempt at recruiting two students as article writers for while in the queue to get a couple of fruit smoothies.  Doing business on holiday is brill!

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Anand is the managing co-founder of Memfy and acts as a commercial and digital strategy consultant to organisations in the UK. You can connect with him on Twitter under the handle, @AnandPajpani.