A few short weeks to go

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I can’t believe its almost that time.  Arav is a little over 2 years old and not only is he now sleeping in his own bed and loving new challenges like putting the buckles together on his chair stool, but in just a few weeks time, he will be starting part-time at nursery.

My little boy is growing up and growing up fast.  In some way I love seeing him experience new things, but in others I know these moments will never come again!  Doh – I hate Catch 22’s!  I’ve lost count of the number of Memfies I’ve put up about the little things he’s done or the first this and the first that.

I’m behind on a few, but have a mental note to add them to Memfy this week.  One is how he was recently watching me shaving and then copied the actual shaving action using his little comb.  Its brilliant watching him observe then copy exactly what I’m doing, albeit without the blade even though he was doing it carefully enough even with the comb.

I do sometimes wish I was Evie from a childhood show I used to watch, Out of This World, and just pause time whenever I could.  That way Cruti and I could keep our little boy little that much longer!

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Anand is the managing co-founder of Memfy and acts as a commercial and digital strategy consultant to organisations in the UK. You can connect with him on Twitter under the handle, @AnandPajpani.