Getting that focus back

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The CV has been polished and is back out there, the LinkedIn profile has been sharpened up and the interviews have begun.

Having talked it through at home and with some close friends, its apparent that my head was zipping all over the place.  I’ve always maintained that my goal is about property.  Once I reach my property target (which I know I’ll reach within the next 5 years, the challenge is getting there faster), I become free from making decisions on a ‘work to live’ basis.  The cash required to live becomes passively generated, so my time becomes free and gives me what most of us crave: the ability to choose how you spend your time.

So I look back and ask myself, did starting a business lend itself towards that goal?  The honest answer is neither completely yes, nor completely no, its a little bit of both.

There’s a little bit of a ‘yes’ because a profitable business is always preferential to being in a normal job – financially and personally.

There’s a little bit of a ‘no’ because it didn’t really set me further along the path towards realising that property objective.  Because new businesses eat cash for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  They don’t immediately generate it to be able to invest into property or anything else.  There were two conflicting objectives I was trying to achieve: building a business and building a property portfolio.

This is where naivety came into it.  You know those things people with lots of business experience say about being realistic about costs and time-frames, well its not all hogwash.  If you haven’t been in business before, then I can say with quite some certainty that whatever budgets you have created, double it and you’ll be in the right ball park.  Whatever forecasts you have made in terms of becoming profitable, double that too and you’ll be there or thereabouts.   I’ve learnt so much about attitudes, taking action, procrastination, networking, SEO, finance, legals, marketing and more.

Now I’m getting that focus back.  Getting back into work, getting back onto that track towards that property portfolio and back into the swing of all things procurement and SRM, or digital marketing if the right positions come up.  Look out corporate world, I’m back!

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Anand is the managing co-founder of Memfy and acts as a commercial and digital strategy consultant to organisations in the UK. You can connect with him on Twitter under the handle, @AnandPajpani.