String of businesses with potential

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Its been about 30 months since I left corporate life and started working for myself.  Those of my regular readers will know that I often stop to reflect, particularly as part of this blog.  Well this time, the reflection is on the number of businesses I’ve started in those 30 months.

  1. There’s the primary one, a West London minicab company.
  2. – co-founded with a friend.  A personal social networking site with a major niche.  Its not for your everyday thoughts, but for your memories.
  3. – a non-Asian version of (never quite got off the ground due to technical issues).
  4. An article writing service for website owners wanting a no-frills service for a no-frills price.
  5. Business partnership delivering taxi websites for UK taxi and minicab firms.
  6. Business partnership with web development company delivering great value websites for SME’s
  7. Business partnership with a reputable SEO link building firm.
  8. Business partnership with a website maintenance service company.
  9. A unique idea to bring property ownership closer to being a reality for some [more on this later].
  10. A recent online venture to provide a niche product to an ever-growing market.  No add-on services, just this product.
  11. Several blogs with affiliate marketing in mind.

Wow!  Even when I started writing this list, I didn’t expect that many but there they are, all laid out.  I know the detail is sketchy on some but that is intentional as these concepts are just that at the moment.  There were even more ideas that came up and I gave some credence to by discussing them with potential partners, but they haven’t gone anywhere since so are not worthy of that list just yet.  Perhaps in the future.  There was also one other notable business partnership, which suffered a setback when the other partner decided to go it alone – a valuable experience for me as I had come up with the original idea and provided access to my business for fact-finding and design.

The real question is how many of those ‘businesses’ are REAL, in that are actually making money.  Well to answer that question, I’d have to read this post’s title again: String of businesses with potential.  The word ‘potential’ being the key word here.  Ask me in 2 years, when there may be a new posts titled String of businesses that led to financial freedom.  Watch this space…

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Anand is the managing co-founder of Memfy and acts as a commercial and digital strategy consultant to organisations in the UK. You can connect with him on Twitter under the handle, @AnandPajpani.